σύστημα υπολογιστή - traduction vers Anglais
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σύστημα υπολογιστή - traduction vers Anglais

computer system         
  • Sir William Thomson]]'s third tide-predicting machine design, 1879–81
  • 算盘}}). The number represented on this [[abacus]] is 6,302,715,408.
  • alt=Two women are seen by the Colossus computer.
  • Video demonstrating the standard components of a "slimline" computer
  • [[Cray]] designed many supercomputers that used multiprocessing heavily.
  • Babbage's]] [[Difference engine]]
  • [[ENIAC]] was the first electronic, Turing-complete device, and performed ballistics trajectory calculations for the [[United States Army]].
  • The actual first computer bug, a moth found trapped on a relay of the [[Harvard Mark II]] computer
  • A 1970s [[punched card]] containing one line from a [[Fortran]] program. The card reads: "Z(1) = Y + W(1)" and is labeled "PROJ039" for identification purposes.
  • [[Hard disk drive]]s are common storage devices used with computers.
  • routes]] on the Internet
  • website=www.computerhope.com}}</ref>
  • gate]] (G), body (B), source (S) and drain (D) terminals. The gate is separated from the body by an insulating layer (pink).
  • memory cells]]).
  • Diagram showing how a particular [[MIPS architecture]] instruction would be decoded by the control system
  • The [[Antikythera mechanism]], dating back to [[ancient Greece]] circa 150&ndash;100 BC, is an early [[analog computing]] device.
  • The [[Ishango bone]], a [[bone tool]] dating back to [[prehistoric Africa]]
  • Museum of Science and Industry]] in Manchester, England
  • A section of the reconstructed [[Manchester Baby]], the first electronic [[stored-program computer]]
  • A [[slide rule]]
  • [[Bipolar junction transistor]] (BJT)
  • alt=A human computer.
  • Z3]], the first fully automatic, digital (electromechanical) computer
Computer system; General purpose computer; Digital computer; Computers; Computor; Computing device; Electronic computers; Computer Systems; Electronic computer; Computar; Digital computers; Electronic computing; Discrete computer; Computer systems; Computer System; Copmuter; Digital computing; General-purpose computer; General Purpose Computer; Kinds of computers; COMPUTER; Camputer; Computing Machines; Computing machines; Computing machine; Uses of computer; Second-generation of computers; The computer; Second generation of computers; Cumputer; Classical computing; Automatic data processing machine; Modern computer
σύστημα υπολογιστή, σύστημα υπολογιστών
σύστημα υπολογιστή      
computer system
n. μεγάλο σύστημα υπολογιστή